As the celebrations draw to a close, authorities and organisers have already drawn a positive conclusion.
Although not explicitly mentioned, the statement was preceded a few days earlier by an event in Alal (Mih constellation).
For reasons as yet unknown, the Blood Raider's cruiser managed to melt down the shields of the superior faction ship.
The involved pilots were able to collect items worth a total of around 5.5 billion ISK as a reward.
The Ministry of War Information Center in Madomi and Concord renewed their joint security and travel warnings.
The new facilities in Asanot are the latest in addition to the stations anchored there by Ascendance Rising.
According to the Ministry of War, the ship was most likely destroyed somewhere between Madomi and Anzalaisio.
This is the conclusion of a press release issued today by the Amarr Trade Registry (ATR) in Doza.
Observers assume that the pilot jumped into the system in full awareness of the risk. But loot fairy said no.
Experts attribute the price downturn to technical innovations for mining fleets that have become widespread in recent months.